My solution to rejection by publishers

Yes, I'm this lazy. Rather than strive for creative genius, burn the midnight oils, and suffer artistically, romantically, ecumenically... I choose to cater to my own vanity. For more detailed stuff see

Friday, January 27, 2006

Attention wierd people:

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the word "solution" or perhaps the word "publishers." But I get the most RANDOM comments. If it's not Futon Covers or Timber Prospects, it's Stock Investment. I ask you--WHY WOULD YOU GUYS FIND THIS BLOG INTERESTING AND ENCOURAGE ME TO CHECK YOU OUT?
For the record, I have no interest in your buisnesses, charming and exciting as they may be. I'm sorry, but there it is. I have no idea why your searches or automatic responses or whatever it is that allows you to comment on my blog, find me. And as great as that momentary glimpse of hope is that lightens my spirit when I see that I have a comment, it is not worth the confusion and disappointment that follows when I find that whoever left it is either MORE confused than me or some automated Junk Blog center in someone's basement.
In which case, this reponse means nothing more than an invitation to any other automated center doing searches on something else that I've mentioned here...